The Erasmus+ project “Developing the Entrepreneurial Capacities of Young Women” aims to provide entrepreneurial empowerment opportunities for potential first and second generation female entrepreneurs affected by socio-economic exclusion, including the production of practical guidance resources (Guide for Women Entrepreneurs) and digital modules.
The project starts on 01. 10. 2022 for a duration of 17 months.
- Samband sveitarfélaga á Suðurnesjum, Iceland, https://www.sss.is
- Igor Vitale International srl, Italy
- Fthia in action ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΔΡΑΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΘΕΛΟΝΤΙΣΜΟΥ, Greece, https://fthiainaction.wixsite.com/fthia
- Cercle Augustin d’Hippone, France, https://www.cercleaugustindhippone.org
- Antalya Toplumsal Gelişim Derneği, Turkey

A Guide for female migrant entrepreneurs

A Guide for female migrant entrepreneurs providing useful information, entrepreneurial skills development exercises and practical guidelines for actual/prospective female migrant entrepreneurs in the planning and running of their own business.
A Toolkit for youth workers

A Toolkit for youth workers containing methodological guidance and resources (Tools of Non-Formal Education for implementation and exercises for the Trainers themselves) supporting the latter in the implementation of educational programmes of empowerment targeted at female youth migrants.
A Web Platform in multiple languages

A Web Platform in multiple languages integrating educational modules for direct use by targets (female youth migrants prospective entrepreneurs) in partner countries in Europe.
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Virtual Seminar organized by « Samband sveitarfélaga á Suðurnesjum » for the evaluation of the “Guide for immigrant women entrepreneurs” on 14/12/2023 – Iceland
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Virtual Seminar organized by « Fthia in Action » for the evaluation of the “Guide for immigrant women entrepreneurs” on 14/12/2023 – Greece
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ "DECOY" project, Fthia in Action facilitated a Virtual Seminar on December 14, 2023, with the purpose of introducing and assessing the effectiveness of the "Guide for migrant women entrepreneurs". The event specifically targeted...
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